10 proven heathy tips for better sleep
Millions of people suffered from insomnia before the coronavirus, and unfortunately, the pandemic creates a host of new challenges even for people who previously had no sleeping problems. The COVID-19 lockdown has played havoc with sleeping patterns of many individuals. With such unprecedented changes happening so quickly, many people are struggling to get their much-needed sleep.The COVID-19 pandemic does not affect everyone in the same way. While frontline health workers and patients with infection are facing the brunt of the direct impacts of this virus, the consequences have spread far and wide.
Various challenges that are being faced in the times of novel corona virus:
Disruption of Routine:
Life changed dramatically for everyone, with our usual daily routines like regular commutes, meal times, and time spent outside being altered because of the lockdown. you are not working at the moment or your weekly hours have been decreased due to COVID-19, you may be tempted to oversleep each morning. Sleeping
Anxiety and worry:
Family and work stress:
Keeping up with work-from-home obligations or managing a house full of children who are accustomed to being at school can pose real problems, generating stress and discord that have been shown to be barriers to sleep.
Excess Screen Time:
Social distancing can mean a significant increase in screen time. Excessive screen time, like checking the news on your TV or phone, joining family or official meetings on Zoom, binge-watching movies, or spending those extra hours on the computer while working-from-home, especially in the evening, can have a negative impact on sleep.
Why is good sleep Important during a Pandemic?
Sleep empowers an effective immune system.
Solid nightly rest strengthens our body’s defenses, and studies have even found that lack of sleep can make some vaccines less effective.
Sleep heightens brain function.Our mind works better
Sleep improves our mood.
Lack of sleep can make us irritable, drag down our energy levels and may cause or worsen feelings of depression.
Sleep improves mental health.
Apart from depression, studies show that lack of sleep is associated with mental health conditions. Sometimes medicines are prescribed by doctor and you can always buy medication online.
Sleeping Well During the COVID-19 Outbreak is very important.
Set Your Schedule and Routine
Establishing a routine can facilitate
Sleep-specific aspects of your daily schedule should include:
Wake-Up Time: Set your alarm, bypass the snooze button, and have a fixed time to get every day started.
Wind-Down Time:
Bedtime: Pick a consistent time to actually turn out the lights and try to fall asleep.
In addition to time spent sleeping and
Showering and getting dressed even if you aren’t leaving the house.
Eating meals at the same time each day.
Reserve Your Bed For Sleep
Sleep experts emphasize the importance
avoiding bringing a laptop into bed to watch a movie or series.
On any given night, if you find that you’re having a hard time sleeping, don’t spend more than 20 minutes tossing and turning. Instead, get out of bed and do something relaxing in very low light,
Do not use your bedroom as your office (if possible)
When it is time to sleep, remove all electronic devices from your bedroom and make the room cool, calm, dark and quiet. It is essential to link your bedroom as a place for sleep, not a place to watch TV or work.
Avoid Napping
If you’re home all day, you may be tempted to take more naps. While a short power nap early in the afternoon can be useful to some people, it’s best to avoid long naps or naps later in the day that can hinder nighttime sleep.
Avoid caffeine in the evening
Although many of us respond little differently to caffeine, it is a known stimulant and can influence our sleep by keeping us awake later. Therefore, while trying to fix your sleep pattern, limit your caffeine intake to earlier in the day.
Both resistance and aerobic exercise have shown to have positive effects on sleep. But, the timing of such activities is important. It is best to avoid vigorous workout an hour before sleep as this may reduce sleep quality and duration, making it more difficult to fall asleep.
Watch What You Eat and Drink
Keeping a healthy diet can promote good sleep. In particular, be cautious with the intake of alcohol and caffeine, especially later in the day, as both can disrupt the quantity and quality of your sleep.
Get Outside
Our eyes need exposure to outdoor lighting because of a hormone called melatonin. Melatonin regulates our sleep and wake pattern.
Consult Doctor
If condition worsens then consult a doctor. He might prescribe you a medicine which can be bought online from online pharmacy store in India.
with the looming threat of COVID-19 infection in the country, it has now become important to strengthen our immune system, and getting a good night’s sleep is one of the best ways to boost the immunity.
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