Gingival Enlargement and it's types



A] Based on etiologic factors and pathologic changes

I. Inflammatory Enlargement

  • Acute
  • Chronic

II. Drug-induced enlargement

III. Enlargements associated with systemic diseases or conditions

i) Conditioned enlargement

  • Pregnancy
  • Puberty
  • Plasma cell gingivitis
  • Vitamin C deficiency

ii) Systemic disease causing enlargement

  • Leukemia
  • Granulomatous diseases (Wegener'sg ranulornatosis, sarcoidosis)

IV.) Neoplastic Enlargement

  • Benign
  • Malignant

V.) False enlargement

For drug induced enlargements, those drugs must replaced by their alternatives by the dentist and can be bought online from home health care products.

B] Based on location and distribution


II Generalized

III. Marginal

IV. Papillary

V. Diffuse

VI. Discrete


Bokenkamp & Bohnhorst 1994

Grade 0 -4 :No signs of gingival enlargement

Grade 1-4 :Enlargement confined to IDP

Grade 2 -4 :Enlargement involves IDP &marginal gingiva

Grade 3-4 :Enlargement covers three quarters / more of crown or less.

Gingival overgrowth index- Mc Gaw et at 1987

Grade 0-4 :No overgrowth, feather edge gingival margin

Grade 1-4 :Blunting of gingival margin

Grade 2-4 :Moderate gingival overgrowth (one third crown length)

Grade 3-4 :Marked gingival overgrowth (more than one thirds of crown)

Clinical index for drug induced gingival overgrowth 

1. Severe overgrowth profound thickening of gingiva

2. Large portion of the clinical crown is covered

3. Papillae - retractable

4. Probing depth > 3mm

5.buccolingual dimension 3mm


a. Chronic inflammatory enlargement


  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Malocclusion
  • Plaque accumulation & retention
  • Anatomical abnormalities
  • Orthodontic appliances
  • restorations

Clinical Features

  • Slight ballooning of IDP & marginal gingiva
  • Life preserver shaped bulge
  • Smooth , edematous , bleed easily
  • Progress- slowly and painlessly
  • Pseudopockets
  • Discrete sessile or pedunculated tumor like mass
  • Interproximal / marginal or attached gingiva
  • Slow growing and painless




Foreign substances

Clinical features

  • Marginal gingiva or IDP
  • Red swelling
  • Smooth shiny surface
  • Fluctuant and pointed with
  • a surface orifice
  • Expresses purulent exudate

2. PERIODONTAL ABSCESS (Lateral abscess /parietal abscess)

Depending on location :

- Gingival

- Periodontal (Acute / Chronic)




  • Extension of infection from PD pocket
  • Lateral extension of inflammation
  • Pocket with a tortuous course
  • Incomplete removal of calculus


  • Impaction of foreign bodies
  • Endodontic perforation
  • Lateral cyst infection

Signs and symptoms

Acute abscess

  • Mild to severe discomfort
  • Localized red, ovoid
  • Mobility
  • Tooth elevation in the socket
  • Tenderness to percussion or biting
  • Suppuration
  • Localized inflammatory lesion
  • Usually without systemic
  • involvement
  • Elevated temperature

Chronic abscess

  • No pain or dull pain
  • Periodontal pocket
  • Slight tooth elevation
  • Fistulous tract often associated with deep pocket
  • Intermittent exudation
  • Regional Lymphadnopathy

Enlargement in pregnancy

1. Marginal and generalised enlargement

2. Single or multiple tumor like masses

Hormonal changes

Progesterone and estrogen

Vascular permeability — edema , t inflammatory response

Marginal enlargement
Generalised , more prominent interdentally

Bright red or magenta colour

Friable , smooth & shiny surface

Bleeding spontaneously on slight provocation

"Pregnancy rhinitis"

Tumor like gingival enlargement "Pregnancy tumor"
Discrete mushroom like ,flattened

spherical mass

Dusky red or magenta , smooth

glistening surface

Does not invade underlying bone

Semifirm — soft ., friable

sessile or pedunculated

Painless unless its size and shape foster

accumulation of debris


• Removal of plaque and calculus

• Tumor like gingival enlargement is excised surgically. 

Enlargement in puberty
• Male and female adoloscents

• Areas of plaque accumulation

• Facial surface

• Marginal and interdental

Enlargement in vitamin C deficiency
• Classic description of scurvy

• Acute deficiency — hemorrhage , collagen degeneration , edema

• modify response to plaque

Clinical features

- Bluish red , soft in texture, smooth & shiny surface

Haemorrhage — spontaneous / slight provocation

Surface necrosis with pseudomembrane formation

Plasma cell gingivitis
• Atypical gingivitis / plasma cell gingivostomatitis

• plasmacyte granuloma localised form • Allergic in origin

Clinical features

• Discrete tumor mass ,spherical in shape having pedunculated smooth surface

• it is either bright red or purple, can be friable or firm 

• Painless

• Hemorrhage is characterisation. 

Systemic Disease That Cause Gingival Enlargement

1. Leukemia

-malignant neoplasia of WBC precursors

- diffuse replacement of bone marrow proliferating leukemic cell

-abnormal number and forms of immature WBCs widespread infiltrates.

Clinical features
Diffuse / marginal

Localised / generalised

Overextension of gingiva

Discrete tumor like interproximal mass

Bluish red , shiny surface Firm


Leukemic infiltration

Leukemic cell infiltration of gingiva

Gingival thickness

Gingival pockets

Plaque accumulation

Secondary inflammatory lesion

2. Granulomatous disease a.Wegeners granulomatosis

- Acute granulomatous necrotising lesions of respiratory tract , nasal and oral defects

- Acute necrotising vasculitis

Clinical features

-oral mucosal ulcerations

-delayed healing

-Papillary enlargement reddish purple

-bleeds easily

-Strawberry gingiva


- Unknown

- Immunologically mediated tissue injuries


1. Benign tumors of gingiva Epulis

a. Fibroma

i) Giant cell fibroma

ii) Peripheral ossifying fibroma

b. Papilloma

- Proliferations of surface epithelium associated with HPV - HPV & 11

c. Peripheral Giant Cell Granuloma 
d.Central Giant Cell Granuloma

- Arise within the jaw central cavitation

e. Leukoplakia

• WHO: White patch or plaque that does

not abrade can't be diagnosed as the other disease

• Associated use of tobacco

Other probable factors: Candida, HPV-16, HPV-18 Trauma

2. Malignant tumors of gingiva

Squamous cell carcinoma:

• 90% of all Oral cancer

• 6th —most common cancer in males

• 12th - females

• Most common malignant tumor of gingiva

Malignant melanoma:

• Rare tumor hard palate, maxillary gingiva -older persons

• Darkly pigmented, rapid growth, early metastasis

Drugs associated with gingival overgrowth



Sodium valproate





Calcium channel blocker







Idiopathic gingival enlargement

•Gingivomatosis , Elephantiasis, Idiopathic fibromatosis

• rare oral disease

• autosomal dominant

• hypertrichosis, mental retardation and epilepsy

• Nodular form

• Symmetric form- most common type 

• During eruption of permanent teeth

• most common effects • diastemas,

• Malpositioning of teeth

• the alveolar bone is not affected (Bittencourt et al. 2000).

False enlargement

Commonly seen in 4 Paget's disease, Fibrous dysplasia, Cherubism, Central giant cell granuloma, Ameloblastoma, Osteoma and Osteosarcoma. 

Dental hygiene is very important as it is the way that gives entry to microbials into our body. For systemic causes that leads to dental problems, cause must be treated first by medications. Medicines can be bought online from online pharmacy store in India. 


Gingival enlargement are multifactorial and sophisticated in nature , which can be in respone to varied interaction between host and environment. GO considerably reduce the standard of life and should end in serios emotional and social problems thanks to esthetics and functionality hence the prevention and treatment supported the understanding the cause and underlying pathologic changes ,


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